Wolontariat krótkoterminowy we włoskiej Sienie

Wolontariat krótkoterminowy w ramach Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności we włoskiej Sienie !

Wyjedź z nami i przeżyj niesamowitą artystyczną przygodę w tym wyjątkowym mieście! 

Gdzie? Siena, Toskania, Włochy

Kiedy? możliwe kilka terminów!

Pierwsza tura: 4 wolontariuszy: od końca czerwca do końca sierpnia

Druga tura, 2 wolontariuszy: od połowy sierpnia do połowy października 

Z kim? po 2 wolontariuszy z Polski

Na ile? 2 miesiące (dokładnie 59 dni +2 dni na podróż)

Organizacja goszcząca: The Siena Art Institute Onlus

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SienaArt?pnref=lhc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sienaart/

Informujemy, że w rekrutacji na projekt w pierwszej kolejności bierzemy pod uwagę zgłoszenia osób z tzw. mniejszymi szansami.

Osoby z mniejszymi szansami to takie które zmagają się m.in z:

1) Przeszkodami ekonomicznymi:
a) młodzi ludzie o niskim standardzie życia, o niskich dochodach;
b) długotrwale bezrobotni;
c) długotrwale żyjący w ubóstwo, żyjąc samotnie lub z powodu ubóstwa rodziców.

2) Przeszkodami geograficznymi: 
a)młodzież z odległych lub wiejskich obszarów lub regionów;
b)młodzież z miejskich stref problemowych;
c)młodzież z obszarów słabo rozwiniętych (ograniczony transport publiczny, słabe zaplecze kulturalne, edukacyjne itp.).

3) przeszkodami społecznymi:
a) pochodzenie z wielodzietnej rodziny;
b) osoby dyskryminowane ze względu na płeć, wiek, pochodzenie etniczne, religię, orientację seksualną,
c) osoby znajdujące się w nieustabilizowanej sytuacji życiowej;
d) sieroty;
e) migranci.

4) Trudnościami edukacyjnymi:
a) młodzież, która ma problemy z nauką w szkole;
b) młodzi ludzie, którzy nie ukończyli szkoły (nie mają wykształcenia podstawowego lub średniego); przedwcześnie kończący naukę;
c) młodzi ludzie, którzy nie mają dostępu do szkoleń.

5) Problemami zdrowotnymi lub niepełnosprawnością;

lub innymi trudnościami życiowymi.

Siena Art Institute Onlus to mała organizacja artystyczna non-profit z siedzibą w sercu Sieny we Włoszech, jednego z najstarszych i najpiękniejszych miast uniwersyteckich we Włoszech. Zapraszamy artystów ze wszystkich dziedzin, którzy interesują się skrzyżowaniem sztuki i życia obywatelskiego i chcą zbadać, w jaki sposób teoretyczna treść naszych indywidualnych praktyk może zostać przełożona na projekty o znaczeniu społecznym, prowadzące do głębszego zrozumienia kultur, w których żyjemy. znaleźć się.

Do obowiązków wolontariuszy należeć będą:

Activity 1
Documentation of ongoing activities

Volunteers will assist SART’s photography and video office in creating and distributing material documenting SART’s activities and projects on social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok). This activity may include
– The creation of original video material;
– Creating original photographic material;
– Collecting image release forms;
– sharing video and photographic material on SART’s social media channels and institutional websites.
The activity will be carried out under the supervision of SART’s Photo & Video Office (professional photographers, videographers and communication experts).
Activity 2
Ortaperto: inclusive urban regeneration through permaculture

Volunteers will be able to work with local groups of people with disabilities, community interest groups focused on permaculture and urban regeneration, schools, local and international artists and experts to regenerate Siena’s green spaces.
Volunteers taking part in this activity will have the opportunity to
– Design, coordinate and run workshops aimed at educating young children from the local community about environmental sustainability, recycling and biodiversity;
– Run environmental awareness campaigns for the local community;
– Create urban permaculture gardens, bug hotels, compost bins and other simple structures and spaces that will be useful to the local community;
– Participate in art projects aimed at raising awareness of environmental sustainability.
Volunteers taking part in this activity will learn about permaculture and environmentally
sustainable agriculture and urban planning, setting up sustainability workshops, coordinating environmental awareness
coordinating environmental awareness campaigns. They will also have the opportunity to work with people from different economic and cultural backgrounds, ages, nationalities and professions, from farmers to architects, artists to people with cognitive and mental disabilities.
In order to facilitate the interaction with the local community and the people from all over the world participating in this activity at SART, both Italian and English will be used, creating many opportunities for the volunteers to practice their knowledge of these languages.
Activity 3
Contemporary Arts & Culture for all: talks and workshops

The Siena Art Institute regularly organises activities to promote contemporary art and culture, including free public lectures, workshops for children and adults, and artistic projects that encourage collaboration between local actors and international artists, students and partners. Volunteers interested in this activity will be able to
– Assist the artists in their creative work;
– Facilitate interaction between the local community and the international artists, students and professionals participating in local projects;
– Help run workshops to teach traditional arts and crafts skills to the local community, particularly young people or those with fewer opportunities;
– Helping to organise talks and other public events for the local community.
Volunteers taking part in this activity will learn a lot about the power of art as a tool for community engagement. They will work with local and international artists, but also with many different facets of the local community involved in the arts projects: children and schools; groups of people with different kinds of disabilities; community workers and cultural operators; craftspeople; old and retired people; local volunteer groups; prisoners; etc.
Activity 4
Deaf culture in Siena

The Siena Art Institute collaborates with the Mason Perkins Deafness Fund and the Siena School for Liberal Arts in the organisation of events accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people and in the promotion of deaf culture.
Volunteers who are interested in these themes can help to organise and promote language courses (LIS – ASL – Italian – English) for Italian and foreign students and professionals, or to create opportunities for social interaction between the local community and interpreters and deaf and hard of hearing people who take part in the activities of the Siena Art Institute.
Volunteers taking part in this activity will be able to learn about the Italian Deaf culture and will be able to practice their English and Italian language skills.
Volunteers will assist staff in running the June 2024 Study Abroad for Deaf & Signers, a three-week summer programme that immerses participants in the Deaf world outside the USA, improving American Sign Language skills and introducing Italian Sign Language.
Additional Volunteer Responsibilities: School Logistics Support
In addition to the specific tasks, volunteers will play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of the Siena Art Institute by assisting with various school logistics. These responsibilities are crucial for maintaining a conducive and supportive environment for the program participants.

Volunteer Responsibilities:
– School Opening and Closing:
Assist in the daily opening and closing procedures of the Siena Art Institute. This includes ensuring that facilities are ready for student activities, helping with any setup requirements, and securing the premises at the end of the day.
 Weekend Extra Openings:
Be available during weekends to facilitate extra studio time for students or accommodate special events. Volunteers may assist in organizing and overseeing these activities to provide students with additional time for artistic production or research.
– Accompanying Groups During Field Trips:
Act as a support system by accompanying groups of students during field trips. Volunteers will help manage logistics, ensuring everyone arrives safely and has an enjoyable experience, enhancing the overall educational journey.
– Airport Assistance:
Coordinate with program coordinators to accompany groups of students to and from the airport. This includes assisting with check-ins, helping students navigate the airport, and ensuring a smooth transition between destinations.
– General keeping common areas tidy:
Contribute to maintaining a clean and organized environment within the common spaces at the school. This involves keep common areas tidy (kitchen, lounge room, and outdoor lounge spaces). Volunteers will be responsible for restocking supplies and ensuring a welcoming atmosphere for all.


💸 zwrot kosztów podróży

💸 zakwaterowanie

💸 kieszonkowe 

💸 ubezpieczenie

🎉 zdobycie cennego doświadczenia

🎉 przeżycie niezwykłej przygody

W razie pytań zachęcamy do kontaktu pod adresem magdalena.franke@frsp.eu

Jak aplikować?

CV oraz list motywacyjny w j. angielskim prosimy przesyłać na adres magdalena.franke@frsp.eu

Deadline:  25 marca 2024