Długoterminowy projekt środowiskowo – kulturowy we Włoszech

Zainteresowane osoby w wieku 18 – 30 lat zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w rekrutacji na roczny projekt w mieście Macerata we Włoszech. Projekt będzie skupiony na dwóch obszarach – środowiskowym i kulturowym oraz będzie finansowany ze środków programu Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności

Gdzie? – Macerata, Włochy

Kto koordynuje projekt wolontariatu? – Gruca

W jakiej organizacji będę wolontariuszem? – Gruca

Ile będzie trwał projekt? –  11,5 miesięcy (odbytych w okresie pomiędzy 01 września 2024 a 30 września 2025)

Ilu nas będzie? –1 wolontariusz z Polski

Do kiedy prowadzony jest nabór? – 13 sierpnia 2024

JAK ZAAPLIKOWAĆ? – Zgłoszenia zawierające CV oraz list motywacyjny w języku angielskim prosimy przesłać mailowo (tytuł maila: Macerata, Włochy) na adres: magdalena.franke@frsp.eu


Our project includes two project areas and encourages some practical activities to improve the cultural and natural heritage management in terms of environmental prevention, promotion of the territory and community well-being. The aim is to introduce young people, on the one hand, to local culture, traditions and customs and, on the other, to spread good education practices in environmental sustainability and responsible behaviour from an early age. To achieve these goals, the activities will take place in certain locations of historical and environmental importance such as the village of Villa Ficana, an important and historic neighbourhood, and in nursery schools with children between 0 and 3 years old. all six volunteers will be involved in various activities in collaboration with a local organization called i nuovi amici, i.e. work in the organic garden, second-hand shop, and other activities to be specified during the project. the group will be working in 2 small groups of three.


As for food, the volunteer will receive an allowance at the beginning of each month to provide for themselves, plus a monthly allowance to their own needs. Furthermore, the volunteers will be able to use freely the vegetables that they grow seasonally in the Sasso d’Italia organic garden. Lastly, the volunteers will be able to move around by walking because Ficana is only a 15-minute walk from the city centre.


The project does not require any specific ability or knowledge. We only look for a motivation and desire to grow in a new dynamic environment full of changes and new ideas. The volunteer work is non profit and it only intends to support the local community. The below mentioned skills are recommended, however, they are not required and will be acquired along with the duration of the project: Cultural heritage knowledge, Knowledge of natural sciences, Public speaking, Resilience, Experience in working with kids, Adaptability, Teamwork, Social media, Graphic design.