Team volunteering w okolicach Barcelony

Zapraszamy do aplikowania na projekt wolontariatu grupowego – team volunteering w okolicach Barcelony, w hiszpańskiej organizacji TACC

’VolunTACC team – educational projects & cultural events’ incorporates 10 volunteers with fewer opportunities who will support TACC’s actions of direct intervention and dynamization related to the socio-educational programes and cultural events that the entity carries out in the territory through art; they’ll join the programme of summer activities that the youth centers are preparing for the teenagers and youth, they’ll support the organisation of local cultural events in these municipalities, and they’ll do workshops where introducing their country and culture as well as disseminating the ESC among local society.

Gdzie? – okolice Barcelony, Hiszpania

W jakiej organizacji będę wolontariuszem? – TACCbcn

Ile będzie trwał projekt? –03/06/2024 do 31/07/2024

Ilu nas będzie? – 3 wolontariuszy z Polski (projekt ma charakter volunteering teams)

WAŻNE! Na projekt volunteering teams mogą pojechać również osoby które zrealizowały swój projekt indywidualny długoterminowy. 

Do kiedy prowadzony jest nabór? –  20 maja br. 

JAK ZAAPLIKOWAĆ? – Wyślij na adres swoje CV oraz list motywacyjny w języku angielskim. Tytuł wiadomości: „TACC”

Prosimy również o złożenie aplikacji tutaj: VolunTACC team 2024 – educational projects & cultural events | European Youth Portal (

Parę słów o organizacji goszczącej

TACC is a non-profit organization created in February 2010 which offers a multidisciplinary approach to the spread of Art and Culture (theatre, dance, photography, design, etc). TACC presents a wide simple of the work of young artists from all over Europe, producing their projects, providing them with trainings and socializing their art through new technologies. Furthermore, having Art as a central element of its projects, TACC has worked in projects related to social inclusion, multiculturality, gender equality and the promotion of peace. TACC understands Art as a fundamental part of society, which is capable of trespassing borders, it is for this reason that it seeks to spread the values embodied in the interest for Culture.

Zadania wolonatriuszy

Main tasks
The main tasks to develop and to promote by the volunteers will be:
1. To get to know the context and the reality of the actions developed by TACC at different youth centers in the territory.
2. To support the design, planning and dynamization of socio-educational actitivites for young people between 12 and 25 years old, at the youth centers, by using artistic disciplines as a tool of work.
3. To support in the organisation and development of local artistic initiatives and cultural events of the entity.
4. To organise a workshop where introducing their country and culture to the teenagers and young people of Barberà del Vallès / Polinyà.
5. To disseminate the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) among local society.

Informacje organizacyjne


  • FOOD – the organisation provides funds for catering (5,33 EUR per day)
  • ACCOMMODATION – The accommodation is a shared flat with locals.
  • POCKET MONEY – 5 EUR/day
  • DAYS OFF – 2 days/month

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