Picture it – Build Your Future in Greece

Ken and Iryna’s Volunteer Journey in Thessaloniki, Greece.

After completing their long-term volunteering projects in Thessaloniki, Greece, our dedicated volunteers, Ken and Iryna, have returned to their home countries with enriching experiences and inspiring stories. Their journey in Thessaloniki was filled with challenges, growth, and unforgettable moments, and we are excited to share their remarkable experiences and achievements with you.

Ken and Iryna’s time in Greece was not only about giving back to the community but also about personal development and cultural exchange. Through their hard work and commitment, they made a significant impact and built lasting relationships. Here are their stories and reflections on their volunteering adventures.

Iryna’s Volunteer Journey in Thessaloniki: Reflections and Insights

Hi, I will tell you about my ESC project in Thessaloniki, Greece. Initially, I came for a 2-month project about the Roma community in the city with a friend, curious to explore the reality of marginalized communities. And then, I decided to prolong my stay for seven more months in a more general-themed project. It took place in an organization called United Societies of Balkans, in a media lab called Balkan Hotspot.

What the project was about?

My long-term project was about creating media (social media content, magazines, blog articles, podcasts, etc.) and events in a team of around ten people, sometimes with short-term volunteers. And we had a supporting team of local people, with whom we collaborated on organizing local events.
The project was very loosely organized. I felt like we had the necessary support and structure, but we also had a lot of freedom – to make this experience into what we wanted. It was one of the reasons why I wanted to stay there after my short-term project. Here, I had the chance to practice my entrepreneurship and leadership skills. To me, this project felt like a playground for exploring how the world and society work and creating something to share the discoveries with others. My main focus was social media management and content creation — videos, graphics, and photos. However, everyone on the team could participate in all types of media creation. So I also wrote articles for the blog and the magazine, interviewed local people, created a podcast in a women’s refugee center, organized and participated in local events, and went to cover several festivals as a press person.

What made this experience more special?

An important aspect of the project was that all the volunteers from my project, and some other projects around – lived in the same big house as a community of more or less 30 people (at different times, it was different). It was an intense and interesting experience — living with people from different countries and backgrounds, where people come and go. There were always opportunities to learn something from everyone, explore interpersonal dynamics, show compassion and understanding, and notice how everyone is the same. In general, I felt like we all created a very supportive and accepting atmosphere in the house and the team, which contributed a lot to each person’s progress.
Greece felt like home to me. I also loved the food, the people, the landscapes, and the lifestyle. I explored Thessaloniki and its vibrant streets, full of cats, random hidden gems, cafes, cool tavernas, museums, and local events. I also visited some random villages around and went to the beaches in Chalkidiki. Thessaloniki is a pretty chaotic city, and it was difficult for me to find space to ground myself. On the other hand, it’s very lively — something exciting is always happening somewhere, and it’s easy to find exciting activities.

Final note

I think participating in an ESC is a huge learning opportunity. You can learn about the diversity of people, stories, and places in this world, improve your professional skills, and better understand who you are. I recommend it to anyone who wants to explore and is ready to come with an open heart and humility.

Ken’s Volunteer Experience in Thessaloniki, Greece: A Presentation on “Picture It – Build Your Future”

We are excited to share Ken’s presentation about his impactful volunteer project in Thessaloniki, Greece, with the organization United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.). U.S.B. focuses on integrating and supporting young people through various actions and programs, including the project Ken was a part of, “Picture It – Build Your Future.”

Ken’s specific involvement was with the Balkan Hotspot media lab, an initiative under U.S.B. At Balkan Hotspot, Ken, along with other volunteers, immersed themselves in learning about various media tools such as radio, blogging, magazine creation, news production, social media management, and video making/editing. They collaborated with local volunteers to organize events and enhance their media skills, contributing to the community and gaining valuable experience.

Ken’s presentation provides a detailed overview of these activities, highlighting the skills acquired and the positive impact of their collective efforts. We invite you to explore his presentation and gain insights into this transformative project.

Thank you, Ken and Iryna, for your invaluable contributions and for sharing your journeys with us. Your stories inspire us all to continue fostering cross-cultural understanding and community support. 🙂