„Societal empowerment in Silesia” – volunteering in Poland

societal empowerment

„Societal empowerment in Silesia” is a project of Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego and local partners. We are looking for 1 volunteer for period of 10 months. 

Applications (CV and Application-form_FRSP_socio in English) shall be sent to Marcin Germanek: marcin.germanek@frsp.eu. Email subject: Societal empowerment in Silesia.

Deadline: 16/06/2024

Before applying for this volunteering project you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en) and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant number (PRN)! 

If you want to know more how our current project looks like you can follow the volunteers BLOG:  
Volunteers in FRSP or follow  FB fanpage

Soon you can be here… 

Project information

Place of activities: Mysłowice, Poland
Coordinating Organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Hosting Organisation: different partner institutions (kindergarten, local school, local cultural center, social care institution etc)
Duration: 9 months
Dates: September 2024 – June 2025
Vacancies: 1

Foundation of Entrepreneurial Society Development is an organisation that cooperates with local volunteers and support them in all activities that are offered them in the foundation. We want to give them a possibility to achieve new competencies by taking part in projects abroad. The main aim is to help the youngsters to enter the labour market without any difficulties. Apart from that, FRSP offers consulting in terms of acquiring finances for NGOs, self-government and companie.

Project’s activities
  • Running English speaking clubs for students/ other languages speaking clubs depanding on volunteer’s skills
  • help in organizing events with local partners (seniors’ day, Christmas events, winter play activities etc)
  • Running extra classes for children e.g. graphics, photography, film-making, music, cooking, sports, board games, dance, supporting in homework (it is up to volunteer’s skills)
  • Organising cultural events for local community
  • Running activities and playing games with children in kindergarten
  • Running workshops for students in schools
  • Present your country and your project in schools or on special cultural days/evenings
  • Help in office work (archiving the documents; project management and documentation; updating website 
  • Taking care of FRSP social media (FB and INSTAGRAM and TIK TOK); visual documentation of projects and events: photography, film, music videos; Blog)
  • Information meetings about the Erasmus +, European Solidarity Corps Programmes and volunteering projects,  in different schools and Universities, during special and cyclical events
  • Organize your own special event according to the original idea


Still wondering if you should participate?
Check the video of our previous volunteers, how fantastic experiance it is!
Volunteer’s profile

1 young person in age 18-30 years old. The project participant should be active, flexible, motivated, creative and are interested in active participation and self-involvement.

We are open to any person who wants to put him\herself out there, who is ready to face new challenges and gain new skills, by leaving an unforgettable experience abroad.The profile of the volunteer shall have the following characteristics:

– Keen interest in the contents of the project;
– Real motivation for the experience;
– interest in working with children, youth and the adults/elderly, because these are the target groups we cooperate with
– interest in the different task implementation (informative, cultural, entrepreneurship etc );
– openess to travel because, as part of activities at FRSP, volunteer will carry out activities in our partner institutions located in Silesia region;
– willingness to learn about Silesian and Polish culture and traditions, but also readiness to share their culture;
– the high level of interpersonal communication, activities within the project focus on working with people – the volunteer must be open to contacts;
– initiative and creativity – we want to develop our offer, so any additional skills of volunteers will be welcome, creativity in work in culture and in NGOs is necessary;
– previous experience in various cultural and social activities will be welcome but not obligatory.

Practical arrangements
  • travel expenses – 360,00 EUR or 275,00 EUR (depends on a travel distance)
  • accommodation – The volunteers will be accommodated in a shared flat in Mysłowice and/or in Tychy. Each of the volunteers has his/her own room. The flat consists of 3 rooms, kitchen, and bathroom. It is fully equipped.
  • food – 120,00 EUR / month
  • pocket money – 150 EUR / month
  • public transport tickets – will be covered if necessary to implement tasks in the project
  • insurance
  • access to the EU Academy platform to learn Polish language
  • help of local mentor and project’s coordinators


Recruitment process

Step 1 – sending CV-EuroPass (candidate’s picture attached)  and Application-form_FRSP_socio in English)   to marcin.germanek@frsp.eu. Email subject: Societal empowerment in Silesia.
Step 2 – ZOOM conversation with project’s coordinators 
Step 3 – Final results sent by e-mail

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