Volunteering project in Silesia: Culture – a way to integration

Culture - a way to integration

Volunteering project in Poland, Silesia in frame of the project “Culture – a way to integration” is Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego proposition in cooperation woth Cultural house in Wola town – GOK Miedźna

If interested, please fill the Application Form in English: Application-form_GOK and send it with your CV to Magdalena Żelazny: magdalena.zelazny@frsp.eu. In the e-mail title please write: “Culture – a way to integration”

We are waiting for your candidature till 30/05/2024.

Before applying for this volunteering project you need to enroll yourself at European Solidarity Corps Platform (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en) and specify your European Solidarity Corps Participant number! 

If you want to know more how our current project looks like you can follow the volunteers BLOG:  Volunteers in FRSP or follow  FB fanpage. 

Check our previous volunteers opinions and relations!

You can also contact with our previous volunteer: Lily (lizazadze2000@gmail.com)  

Coordinating organization:  Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Host Organisation: GOK Miedźna
Duration: 6 months
Start: mid june / 2024
End:  mid November 2024
Location: Wola town (43-225), Silesian Region, southern Poland (near Tychy, Pszczyna and Katowice cities)
Placements: in total 1

Proposed activities:

1. Activities for locals (depending on your skills and propositons) :

– leading music workshops, creative, developing imagination, manual skills, photographic, dance and music workshops, etc.,

– a summer camp and summer action during holidays: encouraging children and young people from Wola and the commune of Miedźna to spend their free time during active and outdoor holidays; preparing and conducting  games for children and youth, conducting artistic and outdoor sports workshops, “DIY” with natural materials, dance, theater, painting and sculpting workshops, etc. Everything depands on your skills and willingnes.

– language clubs, both English and native language of volunteer;
– find a proposition of activities dedicated to youth, gain their interest in provided activities
– propose activities for seniors / elderly inhabitatnts and encourage them to go out of their homes and meet (examples: 
board games; language classes for seniors; IT activities for seniors; help in organizing Christmas Eve or Easter for lonely, ill inhabitants of Wola and the surrounding area)


2. Help in organizing or authoring ideas for special events, cultural events

– help in organizing cultural events such as Harvest Festival, Folklore Festival, Review of Children’s and Youth Theaters, Silesian Evening, etc.

-Help to organize a meeting with Santa Claus or Saint Marcin for children during Christmas and looking for a bunny before Easter;

– Possibility to organize your own special event according to the original idea in order to enrich the offer of the Culture Center

Those tasks includes preparation, implementation and cleaning up after the event. Also technical and logistical issues and sometimes physical work (for example, setting up chairs)

3. Help in office work, e.g.

– digitalisatione of documents;
– project management and documentation;

– updating the GOK website, INSTAGRAM;

– visual documentation of projects and events: photography, film, music videos, etc.


4. Promotion of the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus + Programmes

– information meetings about the Erasmus +, European Solidarity Corps Programmes and volunteering projects, in the House of Culture and in schools, during special and cyclical events (eg harvest festival)

– presentation of your country and your project in schools, promotional campaigns and at festivals in the region or on special cultural evenings;


5. Supporting the realized by FRSP projects
– technical and logistic help;
– supporting participants during the mobility;
– preparation and implementation some of the workshop sessions;
– help in documents preperation according to project requirements;
– help in promotion;
– help in recruitment processes;
– promoting available positions at our Volunteering projects or Youth Eaxhanges by available methods and channels;
– management of the Blog and social media, writing articles;
– editing photos and videos according to project requirements;
– help in document archiving;



* Each volunteer can be involved in all mentioned above activities or only in some of them, depanding on necessity and need of host organisation


We can offer:

– learning methods of work in cultural center;
– experience and interesting contacts
– experience in organizing large cultural events
– learning and using innovative and creative methods in working with children and young people
– possibility of developing own ideas for the workshops and their independent implementation
– knowledge of Silesia in the context of culture and customs, as well as knowledge about cultural differences and the ability to deal with them in everyday life
– active and constructive participation in the social life of our local community
– project management skills and time

Practical arrangements

  • travel expenses – 360,00 EUR or 275,00 EUR (depends on a travel distance)
  • accommodation – The volunteers will be accommodated in a shared flat in Wola town. Each of the volunteers has his/her own room. The flat consists of 3 rooms, kitchen, and bathroom. It is fully equipped;
  • food – 120,00 EUR / month;
  • pocket money – 150 EUR / month;
  • insurance;
  • Polish language course;
  • help of local mentor and project’s coordinators.

Soon you can be here… 

Recruitment process

1 young person in age 18-30 years old. The project participant should be active, flexible, motivated, creative and are interested in active participation and self-involvement.

We are open to any person who wants to put him\herself out there, who is ready to face new challenges and gain new skills, by leaving an unforgettable experience abroad.The profile of the volunteer shall have the following characteristics:

– Keen interest in the contents of the project;
– Real motivation for the experience;
– great independence, ability to take independent decisions;
– initiative and creativity – we want to develop our offer, so any additional skills of volunteers will be welcome, creativity in work in culture and in NGOs is necessary;
– Willingness to live and work in a small town – the awareness that activities will take place in the countryside, not in a big city, so the specifics will also be different;
– interest in working with children, youth and the elderly, because these are the target groups of the Cultural Center GOK and the FRSP;
– willingness to learn about Silesian and Polish culture and traditions, but also readiness to share their culture;
– the high level of interpersonal communication, activities within the project focus on working with people – the volunteer must be open to contacts;
– previous experience in various cultural and social activities will be welcome but not obligatory.

The selection process

Step 1 – sending CV-EuroPass (candidate’s picture attached)  and (Application-form_GOK) in English  to magdalena.zelazny@frsp.eu. Email subject:  Empowering regions through volunteering
DEADLINE: 05/06/2024
Step 2 – Skype conversation with project’s coordinators 
Step 3 – Final results sent by e-mail